By purchasing QF certificates, companies are helping to adapt forests to climate change in order to strengthen these forests and their protective functions in line with the “Nature Positive approach” and preserve them for future generations. The basis of the certificates is a forest analysis by state-certified forest experts. The forests are all located in Germany, coordinates and further excerpts of the data collection can be viewed transparently on the certificate. This has a particularly positive effect on the assessment by auditing companies.
Six steps to the certificate
First, interested forest owners entrust us with their forest data (inventory, geo-reference data, etc.). We use satellite technology to obtain comparative data and thus verify the forest inventory. Only forest areas that comply with the inventory are approved by QF for certification. In the next step, we determine the (non-certified) initial stock of wood biomass using recognized forestry methodology and data. We then use a software solution to calculate the biomass increment for the current year and thus the carbon storage potential of the forest section under consideration.
With the help of remote sensing, we analyze the vitality of each forest division. This assessment is valid via the measurement of photosynthetic performance and site-dependent parameters.
We assign a respective risk class (probability of death of the forest and corresponding probability of re-emission of the storedCO2) to the considered forest division.
The classification of the risk class follows from the reconciliation of forest inventory data, remote sensing and site conditions. Data from the Forest Research Institute are also used.
All the data available so far from the forest owner’s data, remote sensing, and the forecasts we calculated, especially on the potential carbon storage amount in tons per hectare per year and associated risk of re-emission, will be merged, an initial certificate will be created, and securely stored in a blockchain (digital notary).
We compare the carbon storage potential of the QF-certified forest, as well as the investment required to achieve it, with the CO2 emissions to be offset by a corporate customer and requirements for default risk, regionality, and price assurance. Adding carbon storage over the next 30 years, the price of cooperation is determined. The purchase of the certificate by the corporate customer takes place.
The determined price per ton and year of stored carbon as well as the customer’s data are added to the certificate and kept in the Digital Notary’s Office. The customer receives exclusive access to the data of his purchased and allocated certificates.
... and the further way
Investment in the forest ecosystem (additional benefit capital market / regulatory)
Forest owners contracted by QF are required to invest in their forests a significant portion of the revenues received through cooperation with QF in the conservation and optimization of their forests. In this way, corporate customers become forest partners from the business community and contribute to the preservation and expansion of the essential forest ecosystem in line with the “Nature Positive” approach.
Monitoring and end use of wood biomass
Forest owners working with QF are contractually obligated to report to QF all biomass-altering activities in the forests. In addition, forest owners must demonstrate the end-use of wood biomass certified for QF carbon storage to preclude material or energy recovery. If required or/and necessary, monitoring can also be done by remote sensing or on-site visit.
Risk management / Warranty
QF guarantees the long-term storage of the carbon stored with the QF methodology with the help of the guaranteed end use of the corresponding wood biomass and CO2 buffers. In the case of premium certificates, a compensation pool and the possibility of insurance are built up for the wood biomasses used.