Project durations for companies
In terms of a sustainability strategy that really deserves the name, as well as a continuous and credible presentation to stakeholders and especially the capital market, we recommend long project durations. In addition, long-term contracts provide price certainty for companies.
However, in view of changing economic parameters, flexibility can also be agreed. Through annual 1:1 calculation of the C-sink, corporate partners can then plan and adjust their term according to their individual progress in reducingCO2 emissions
Project durations for forest owners
We are aiming for a 30-year contract commitment with the forest owners in order to accompany the development of the forests towards climate resilient ecosystems for as long as possible. We are guided by the systems accepted by forest owners (eco-points and contract nature conservation).
The forest owner can flexibly manage the contract period and limit it at any time. In practice, however, a 30-year contract period has become the norm. The contractually assured project duration of 30 years (the minimum necessary storage time per ton of carbon assured to the respective company / customer) remains unaffected by a shortened contract period.