The facts

Around 32 percent of Germany’s total area – some 11.4 million hectares – is forested. Around 90 billion trees grow in German forests (source: Third Federal Forest Inventory). Forests are sites of biodiversity, bind CO2 and have a mitigating influence on the greenhouse effect. In addition, forests filter and store drinking water, filter fine dust from the air and protect against erosion (“Nature Positive” approach).

The ecosystem needs support

It is undisputed that the forest ecosystem, with its multiple positive effects on air, water, soil, biodiversity and recreational function, represents a high social value and also has the potential to compensate for many climate change problems.

However, the forest itself is already severely impacted by climate change, pollutants, and extreme weather events. At the same time, forest owners today are often no longer financially able to adapt their forest areas to the influences of climate change, to convert them through reforestation, and thus to meet their own as well as society’s demands for an intact and healthy forest. To do this, they need strong partners who appreciate and promote the long-term value of the forest ecosystem (“Nature Positive” certification).

Challenges of forest owners at a glance